Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Antibloggers in my home!

Okay I'm sitting here in our blue LazyBoy, crosslegged, with my laptop trying to to write stuff. Across from me is my sister with my dad's blackberry reading comments from pretty pointless if you ask me. There's also a clean chicken wing beside her, like there is a table! :P And my bestest guy friend Nathan aka Dicky is couchpotatoeing with one leg in the air.
Some how they know I am blogging, and are telling me to stop stressing myself. Like duh! how can you stress yourself about stuff you acually like? They are also wise cracking some other comments towards me, but I suppose its all in good fun.
My mom on the other hand, has no idea what a blog is and tells me to stop wasting my time on "Suvose". I just smile and tell her I love to write, and not really a waste of time. All I get is a deep sigh and a majour eyeroll. :P
Blogging is kewl! :)


  1. family can be so cynical. keep on keeping on. It's worth it. Mueta will never understand "suvos"

  2. You said a mouthful there! But surprisingly when you read your work to them, they acually enjoy it! :)
